35 Teacher Interview Questions and One Simple Prep Strategy

by Brad Melsby – May 19, 2023

Sure…You Could Prep for Hundreds of Possible Teacher Interview Questions

A quick check online will reveal lists of teacher interview questions with 200 (or more!) possible interview questions.  I’m sure those lists were well-intentioned and might potentially be helpful for teachers with tons of spare time. We think they come across as intimidating and a waste of precious hours.

Of course, there is no accurate way to predict what you will be asked.  With that in mind, we put together a list of the 35 most common questions in teacher interviews. 

teacher interview prep

Interview Prep Strategy

As a way to simplify your prep, consider using these three steps:

Step 1: Know that roughly 90% of the questions in a teacher interview focus on eight major topics such as classroom management, assessment, or technology integration.  We’ve identified those major topics below.

Step 2: Your job is to create 2-3 solid talking points for each major topic.

Step 3: In the interview, schools have slightly different variations in how they ask about major topics. Your prepared talking points will fit perfectly into the majority of those variations.

An Example:

Step 1: Identify “classroom management” as a major topic.

Step 2:  Create your three main talking points on classroom management.  

  1.      I work to establish positive relationships with my students
  2.      I set up clear and consistent expectations
  3.      I seek to observe and then immediately praise positive student behavior

Step 3: Apply your talking points to the interview.  Your response to any of the questions below would largely be the same.

  •    What is your approach to classroom management?
  •    How do you deal with a challenging student or class?
  •    Describe how you create a positive learning environment.
teacher interview

Top 35 Teacher Interview Questions

Topic: General Introduction

(Nearly every interview starts with a “get to know you” question.)

1. Tell us about yourself.

2. Can you take a moment to walk us through your resume?

3. Would you take a minute to share your story with the interview panel?


Topic: Philosophy of Education

4. How would you characterize your role as the teacher in the classroom?

5. What does the perfect day/lesson in your classroom look like?

6. How do you know when your students are learning?

7. What is your philosophy of education?


Topic: Classroom Management:

8. What is your philosophy on classroom management?

9. How do you deal with a challenging student or class?

10. Describe how you create a positive learning environment.

11. What is your approach to student discipline?


Topic: Meeting the Needs of All Students

12. How do you differentiate your instruction?

13. Describe how you modify your instruction to meet the needs of all learners.

14. Our students have diverse learning styles and preferences.  How would you work to address that?

15. How do you motivate students?


Topic: Supporting Struggling Students

16. What systems do you set up to support students who are below grade level?

17. How do you identify struggling students and what do you do to help them?

18. If a student was struggling in your class, what would you do?

19. How do you address issues of low academic skills or motivation in your class?


Topic: Technology

20. What does a good tech-based lesson look like?

21. How do you utilize technology in your class?

22. What benefits and challenges do you see with tech use?  How do you address the challenges?

23. How do you use technology to increase student learning outcomes?


Topic: Assessment and Grading

24. How do you measure student learning?

25. Describe your use of authentic assessment in your class.

26. Are you familiar with standards-based grading?

27. In what ways does assessment drive your instruction?


Topic: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

28. How do you promote an inclusive environment?

29. Our student body is very diverse.  How might that impact your instruction?

30. How would you work to create and nurture a strong sense of community in your classroom?

31. What role does diversity play in your choice of instructional materials?


Topic: Social-Emotional Learning

32. How do you encourage students to build resilience?

33. How will you meet the social-emotional needs of our students?

34. In what ways do you incorporate social-emotional lessons into your classroom?

35. What is your experience implementing a social-emotional curriculum?

Demonstrate Your Knowledge and Passion

Schools want teachers who can articulate thoughtful and intelligent responses to the major topics listed in this article.  Is it possible you could be asked a question not on this list?  Of course.  But we consider these eight topics (plus the introduction) to be essential to any good interview prep.

And don’t forget that schools look to hire teachers who approach the job with a positive and caring attitude toward the students in their class.  So be sure to demonstrate your passion for education as well as your knowledge of instructional practices.  Happy job hunting!


Brad Melsby

About the Author

Brad Melsby taught history at the middle and high school levels for 19 years, almost exclusively in American public schools.  He holds a master’s degree in educational technology.  Brad now works to advance education by supporting the next generation of teachers.

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