Advancing Teachers

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What Is Nine Years In?

Hey there! We are Brad and Amanda and we’re both lifelong educators. 

As we progressed through our careers, the nine-year mark was a critical crossroads in our teaching lives.  

At that time, in our early 30s, we had “survived the first five”, grown into capable teachers, and even managed to buy a small two-bed, one-bath.  But each month left us physically exhausted and financially tapped out.  Maybe you can relate?

We wanted teaching to be a sustainable long-term career. But to do that, we needed to make some important changes regarding our mindset on career, money, and lifestyle.

The name “Nine Years In” symbolizes this turning point for us. We hope it can be a turning point for you as well.

Here’s to every teacher taking control of their career, their money, and their time.

nine years in

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